On Sunday, April 21st, 2024, the halls of IPB University thrummed with a different kind of energy. Bahtera Adi Jaya joined forces with the student-led BEM Faperta (Student Executive Board) to host the exciting event, “Bahtera Goes to Campus 2024: Developments and Innovations in Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation.” This engaging session brought together 150 enthusiastic agriculture students eager to explore the exciting world of advancements in sustainable palm oil plantation practices.

The prestigious Auditorium Toyib Hadiwijaya provided the perfect setting for the day’s informative talks. The agenda featured distinguished speakers offering unique perspectives on the future of palm oil production.

A Shared Vision for Palm Oil Sustainability

The program kicked off with warm welcomes from key figures. M. Ghozi Maulana, President of BEM Faperta IPB, expressed his sincere appreciation to Bahtera for collaborating with the student body. He highlighted the timely and relevant theme of the event, emphasizing its importance for future agricultural leaders.

Dr. Ir. Afra Donatha Nimia Makalew, MSc., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni, echoed Maulana’s sentiments. She applauded the collaborative spirit between Bahtera and BEM Faperta, underlining the importance of industry and academia working together to tackle the challenges of sustainable development. Dr. Ir. Afra also commended Bahtera’s dedication to supporting education and research at IPB. The Vice Dean emphasized the event’s role as a platform for students to develop knowledge and skills in sustainable palm oil production.

Representing Bahtera, Mrs. Amilia Sutedjo, Business Unit Manager for Agriculture & Animal Care, expressed her appreciation to IPB University and the involved student body. She emphasized the significance of sustainable agriculture practices and best practices within the palm oil industry. Mrs. Sutedjo highlighted the event’s objective to bridge the gap between academia and industry, fostering a platform for not just presentations, but also open discussions and lively idea exchange.

Expert Consultant Insight

The event seamlessly transitioned into captivating presentations by industry veterans, providing valuable insights into their sectors’ current landscape and future trajectory. Among these esteemed speakers was Mr. Nursidik, a highly respected consultant renowned for his expertise in palm oil plantation management.

With an engaging demeanor and a wealth of experience, Mr. Nursidik delivered a comprehensive talk on the latest innovations in sustainable palm oil production. He covered palm oil mechanics, production processes, and RSPO certification strategies, addressing key aspects vital for industry sustainability.

In his comprehensive presentation, Mr. Nursidik shed light on the vital importance of the sustainable palm oil industry in Indonesia. He emphasized palm oil’s crucial role as a primary raw material for multiple sectors such as food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and biofuels. With each hectare of oil palm plantation yielding considerably more vegetable oil than other crops, its impact on economic growth and job creation is significant. Furthermore, he emphasized the relative ease of cultivating oil palm, making it accessible to both large-scale plantations and smallholder farmers. However, Mr. Nursidik emphasized the importance of managing palm oil operations with a focus on environmental, social, and economic factors. He underscored that responsible and sustainable practices are essential for the industry’s success while preserving harmony with ecosystems.

Market Development Specialist for Agriculture & Animal Health Insight

After Mr. Nursidik’s insightful speech on sustainable palm oil production, Mr. Haiqhal Akbar, Market Development Specialist at PT. Bahtera Adi Jaya, took the stage. His presentation shifted the focus to practical solutions, highlighting how Bahtera can empower the next generation of agricultural leaders.

Mr. Haiqhal emphasized that Bahtera offers more than just distribution; it’s a comprehensive resource for responsible industry practices. He showcased Bahtera’s wide range of innovative solutions and strict quality control, ensuring partners stay at the forefront of sustainability.

An Interactive Exploration

Engagement throughout the day was off the charts. Students actively participated in discussions, asking insightful questions and digging deep into the presented information. The event created an enthusiastic learning environment for participants to explore the complexities and opportunities in sustainable palm oil. With a welcoming atmosphere, it facilitated fruitful exchanges between attendees and speakers, fostering collaboration and inspiration.

“Bahtera Goes to Campus 2024” concluded on a high note, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. The day successfully ignited a spark of inspiration and provided valuable new knowledge for these future agricultural leaders. The event served as a testament to Bahtera’s ongoing commitment to supporting the development of a more sustainable palm oil industry for a greener future. As a result of participating in this event, the attendees have successfully formulated their solution with Bahtera.