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Author Archives: Nadiva Firsta Bestkarunia

Staying Alert on the Spread of Foot and Mouth Disease

cows on grass field at risk of foot and mouth disease

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) has Indonesia in the international spotlight after its first case discovery last May. Breaking its declaration of being disease-free in 1986, the Foot and Mouth […]

The Vicious Cycle of Malnutrition and Immunosuppression on Animals

Of all diseases that might attack farm animals, immunosuppression might just be the most frightening. It can cause infection, which hinders the immune system to function properly. Components that help […]

Appealing Consumers with the Bliss of Healthier Cheese Foam

cheese foam above tea to create healthy cheese tea drink

The culinary world has never ceased to amaze with its unending new innovations. Even during the pandemic, we have gone through many seasonal food and beverages. It began with cheese […]

Skin Minimalism: Beauty Industry’s Approach to Sustainability

woman with clear skin practicing skin minimalism

For so long, consumers are led to believe that using more skincare products will eventually result in flawless-looking skin. The popular 12-step skincare routine puts the belief into the spotlight […]

The Silent Killer: Mycotoxicosis in Animals

man feeding hens with food enriched with anti mycotoxins

The natural state of the body’s immune system is the ability to fight diseases. When the immune system is failing to function properly, the body is prone to be more […]

Biosecurity: The Key to a Healthy Farm

cattles eating hay in a biosecurity implemented farm,

Maintaining a healthy environment in the Farm and Agriculture Industry is far from simple. Unsanitary practices of animal farming can lead to disease outbreaks and food contamination from fungi, bacteria, […]