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Tag Archives: bahtera adi jaya

The Silent Killer: Mycotoxicosis in Animals

man feeding hens with food enriched with anti mycotoxins

The natural state of the body’s immune system is the ability to fight diseases. When the immune system is failing to function properly, the body is prone to be more […]

Biosecurity: The Key to a Healthy Farm

cattles eating hay in a biosecurity implemented farm,

Maintaining a healthy environment in the Farm and Agriculture Industry is far from simple. Unsanitary practices of animal farming can lead to disease outbreaks and food contamination from fungi, bacteria, […]

The Road to Eliminating Harmful Chemicals in Coating and Constructions Industry

woman safely touching apeo-free paint showing hand to the camera

Many industries have been using APEO or alkylphenol ethoxylates as surfactants in their products for more than 50 years. It includes textiles, pulp and paper manufacturing, household, paint and coating manufacturing, […]

Paint Industry’s Way of Staying Resilient during Difficult Times

a hand dipping brush into paint from industry

For a long time, Indonesian Paint and Coating Industry is considered as an industry with a stable growth that is unaffected by the economic slowdown. The fast-growing numbers of their […]

Shifting to Plant-Based Diets: For the Earth and for Us

hand holding plant-based food bowl mix of avocado salsa and potato

Leading a healthy lifestyle is now a priority for many people, especially during the pandemic. One of the most popular ways to do it is by joining the plant-based diet […]

Industry 5.0: Adding Human Touch to Sustainable Manufacturing

Industry employees meeting discussion to support industry 5.0

While digitalization of manufacturing is the focus of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 tries to incorporate its opposite. Instead of machination, the goal of Industry 5.0 is to strike a balance […]

EcoSun Pass®: Let Sunscreen Protect You and the Reef 

Sunscreen in EcoSun Pass

The demand for high-quality sunscreen products is only increasing over the past few years. Not only quality consumers have also become more aware of the impact of the products they […]

Barrier Coatings: A Paper Industry’s Breakthrough

barrier coating

Last few years, the world has started paying attention to the effects of heavy plastic wastage on the ocean. It becomes a big challenge for Indonesia, being a country with […]

Water Quality for Aquaculture Sustainability

The expectation to annually grown by 8% by the end of 2022 made shrimp farming one of the most important aquaculture sectors in Indonesia. With the promising resources in hand, […]

Sustainable Manufacturing Made Possible


When discussing sustainability, it is no longer limited to one challenge anymore. Instead, sustainability is a systemic approach with differing perspectives. That is why every little helping hand matters in […]