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Tag Archives: bahtera distribution

Rising Concern for Health and Wellbeing among PCA Customers according to Bahtera and BASF Experts at the Skin Sanctuary Seminar in July 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven a shift in beauty trends in the Personal Care & Aroma (PCA) industry towards health and wellbeing. This was presented by Elline Soetanto, Market Development […]

Digitalization: The Key to Building a Resilient Supply Chain

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the vulnerability of our supply chain. As companies start to move toward recovery, a different future of supply chain with a focus […]

Learning from Supply Chain Leaders: Realizing an Agile, Adaptable, and Aligned Supply Chain

High speed and low cost have become the holy grail of supply chain management. Studies however have shown that this alone doesn’t translate to improving supply chain bottom lines. In […]