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Tag Archives: basf news

Pandemic, Beauty Influencers, and Emerging Local Brands: The Forces that Reshape Indonesian Beauty Industry

beauty industry

Throughout the years, the $500-billion beauty industry has shown extreme resilience, recording an average of 4.6% growth annually in the last decade. The Covid-19 pandemic however proved to be a […]

The Need for Health and Convenience Shape F&B Trends in Indonesia

f&b trends

While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt across all industries, nowhere is such impact more apparent than the trends in the Food & Beverage (F&B) sector. The […]

Indonesia’s Agriculture Industry Slowly Embraces More Sustainable Options


Over the years, the world has continued to ramp up regulations on the use of hazardous chemicals in pesticides. Since the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), which aims […]

The Rise of the Indonesian Healthcare Industry


Indonesia’s healthcare industry has seen unprecedented growth in recent years. By 2020, the country’s pharmaceutical industry has seen an annual growth between 10 and 13%. Meanwhile, the national medical equipment […]

Sustainable Packaging: The Paper Industry’s Future


As the world embraced digitalization, many were concerned for the future of the paper industry. In the last few years, the industry has regained its footing and maintained an average […]

Water-based Coating: The Rise of Sustainability in the Coating & Construction Industry


As sustainability concerns grow around the globe, more environmentally friendly, less toxic options in the coating and construction industry grow in popularity. Between 2018 and 2019 alone, sales of water-based […]

Translating Digital Transformation into Overall Business Transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to accelerate their digital transformation. Up to 74% of CEOs in the US say that the pandemic has accelerated progress in operational digitization and […]

Bahtera Donates a Full Week Food Supply for 60 People in Collaboration with Kita Peduli

Indonesia returned to emergency measure as it braves the second COVID-19 wave, which sees extreme spike in cases within a few weeks triggered by the Delta Variant. As cases passed […]

Rising Concern for Health and Wellbeing among PCA Customers according to Bahtera and BASF Experts at the Skin Sanctuary Seminar in July 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven a shift in beauty trends in the Personal Care & Aroma (PCA) industry towards health and wellbeing. This was presented by Elline Soetanto, Market Development […]